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Vacancy National Coach Figure Skating

Gepubliceerd vrijdag 30 juli 2021
The Dutch Skating Federation (KNSB) is fully committed to the development, growth and promotion of all disciplines of Skating and Inline sport. The KNSB offers support and direction in the future development of Elite, Competitive and Recreational sport. The Federation also guarantees an excellent collaboration with all partners, inside and outside of the sport and ensures a good working balance between volunteers and professionals.

The KNSB is currently looking for a:

National Coach Figure Skating

In recent years the focus has been on talent development, now reaching the stage of International Junior and Senior level. Selected junior and senior (single) skaters will move to Heerenveen in May 2022, where they will train together for the next Olympic cycle (route 2026).

The National Coach wil further develop the National Team from season 2022-2023, in collaboration with Javier Fernandez, who is advisor to the team.

Want to know more about this vacancy? View the entire vacancy here.

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